Tuesday, December 31, 2013

water and ground slope

so life needs water,
it is critical
and usually the more water the more life,
at least up to a point,
but out here in the desert you don't hit the limit of to much water,

if you go look around here you will see places where the ground slopes to catch the rain,
and they have lots more weeds growing in spots like that,
the places that are steep with nothing to catch the water have almost no life,
no matter how you water your plants the slope of the ground will make a difference,
make the dirt near your plants catch and hold as much water as you can,
lets say you have an orchard and you make hills and depressions that leave each tree at a depression they will grow much better than if all the land was just flat, and it appears to be worth the work.  

if you live in a super wet area and plants tend to have roots rot from it,
then that is what raised beds and planting on hills is for.

just keep in mined of how the ground is sloped and what that does.

pictures of dirt are not that fun or informative, so I did not bother to post them 

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