Wednesday, January 29, 2014

container gardening

so gardening in containers can be challenging,
but there are big advantages,

this year I plan on having not to much area planted due to saving water,
and the gophers will attack,
so the question is how to keep out the gophers while having no water for the distraction crops...
containers are a good solution.

in the ground plants will find wet or dry, or what ever they need,
in a pot they can't do that,
even weeds that thrive unwatered can die or do poorly when in a pot
so you have to pay way more attention to them and set up the soil way better,
also many pots are just to small for the root system of many garden plants
squash and barley can send down roots 8 foot down, and that is unlikely to happen in a pot,
one solution is to leave the underside of the container with just wire mesh on the bottom so that roots can go deeper if they want, but that will not work if you are on rock or concrete

you can often find specific varieties that have been bread just for container gardening,
but I have had failure with some of them, but most of the failure is from not full sun,
if you don't have room to plant in the ground direct, then you often don't have full sun either,
so keep that in mind when you pick were to put your container garden,

I have seen people do some amazing growing with container gardens,
just pay careful attention and you should be good.

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