Saturday, February 1, 2014

melty cheese / velveeta shortage

once a year there is a velveeta shortage, or at least the news claims it to be true,
so if some sporting event has messed with the availability of one of your favorite foods,
then make your own,

it is super easy to make,
the trick is to replace the calcium ions in the cheese with sodium ions
so all you do is take a pan,
and out about a tsp. of sodium citrate in it (I keep mine in a salt shaker),
then add some water, a tablespoon might be about right, but maybe 2, you might have to play with that a bit
dissolve the bitter salt (sodium citrate) in the water,
then grade hard cheese into the pan on low heat while stirring,

in no time at all you end up with a fantastic melty cheese that you can cool off and it turns solid again,
and heat up and it melts perfect,
it is very fun,
and you can use high quality cheese as well.

sodium citrate is the primary ingredient in Gatorade, and it use to be marketed as "bitter salt" long ago, but just fell out of popularity, so don't fear it.

today was an exciting cooking day.

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