Sunday, June 1, 2014

time maps

so lets think about time maps,
it is very critical when you plant things,
the weather is called weather because it changes all the time,
and there are patterns in that (and idea known as climate)
so often there are points in time that no frost ever happens in your area,
handy to know that point in time,
but the currently popular time map (Gregorian calendar ) is just horrible,
you need a new one each year,
and it is so complex that as soon as people got computers they used them for all the messy calculations to generate the required new one each and every year.

and most people seem set on using that time map for all the business activities out there,
and for some reason everyone else follows and uses it as well,
in ancient times it was common for people to have 3 time maps (calendars)
one for business, one for farming, and one for religious things
I guess it is due to the 3 groups not agreeing on much,
they had 3 systems of time mapping ,

being out here with no easy way to access the Gregorian time maps everyone else uses is actually causing me issues,
now a computer should deal with that well,
but mine seems set on resetting the time -8GMT hours each time it boots up with linux (fairly often)...
so its time map is random,
and I don't have to be super accurate for farming,
but my computer seems to have no idea of being close at all,
and I have not purchased or printed the very complex time maps that everyone else seems to have,
so I have decided to just use a time map that makes sense and does not need calculated and printed each and every year
as it turns out the 365 day year can be broken up into 13 months of 28 days pretty close,
you still have one day without time and every 4 years you have 2 days without time,
but that is not to many (the mayan had more days without time, but likely due to them trying to hold onto the 360 day year after it no longer applied)

so I think I am just going to use this time map,
I am just going to use a 365 day calendar where there are 365 days and no months at all
either way the current system (Gregorian calendar ) is so complex (and seemingly broken) that I give up

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