Wednesday, August 14, 2013


aphids can be annoying
and can kill your plants
these aphids are all dead now,
so how did I do it ?
I use dish detergent, and not some plant based one... sunlight works well,
mix a teaspoon in with a spray bottle of water,
then spray it on the insects,
the idea is that the soap breaks the surface tension and lets water enter the breathing tubs in the insect,
so they die, and it works on most insects very well.

now if you can get them use the insects that eat other insects
this guy grabbed my arm when I walked by the corn,
I put it in the squash, ( and it did not like having it's picture taken.)
and they will eat lots of bugs and will not hurt your plants,
so will the ants...

and lets hope this is not a trend, no idea what caused it

and it might be nap time

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