Thursday, August 29, 2013


I have lots of kitty pictures on this blog,
and found out that some of my friends are horrified by how they live,
but I can tell you they are well fed,  have lots of freedom and seem happy, they play all the time and are clearly having fun with life.
no one touches them, they never come inside, they are wild, you could not catch one if you try, and if you did manage to catch one then you would be scratched up badly till it got away.
they reproduce freely and sometimes get eaten by the other wildlife here, if they get sick they sometimes die, there is no doctors for them, it is the way of nature, and the numbers are mostly stable that way. if we could manage to spade them, then we would run out of cats fast.
these are not to be confused with cuddly pets, they are wild and feral and appear to like it that way. (the few kittens that are super friendly we find homes as pets for them, and that is not hard in this area, and that has been 2 in the last 4 years)
so why do I have them ?
mostly they first showed up on the door looking for food, and how can you say no to that...
but we feed them so they stay and hunt small animals.
mice and rats carry all kinds of bad things with them, anything from valley fever to the plague, 
and before we had the cats were were overrun with mice, and that is just not safe,
so less than a pound of cat food a day keeps all the mice and squirrels and some snakes away,

look at the history of london when they made cats not legal,
the plague took hold of the city, and many many people died.
cats are a very handy farm tool, they are a handy city tool as well,
they are worth it even though I am allergic to them.

here are 4 new ones only a week or two old, the mom is a very neat cat, very fast, good temperament, and a good hunter, and I have fed it many gophers this year.

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