Tuesday, May 28, 2013

sweet tea

so after working out in the sun, sweet ice tea is wonderful,
or at least I like it lots,

here is how to make it,

find a pan that holds 3/4 to 1 gallon of water
fill it with water and turn on the heat
the easiest way to make the tea is to get a fine mesh strainer that will hold itself in the pan
add your tea, about 1 to 2 table spoons (should be black tea, but tea bags work as well (4 to 6 of them) )
boil it for 10 min.
7 min. works, 9 min. works, even 5 min. will work, but 11 min. will not,
so boil it for 10 min. or slightly less then take the tea out of the water.

now add the sugar
about a cup for 3/4 gallon works perfect,

stir the sugar in (and make sure to do this while it is all still hot)
then let it cool (with the lid off is faster)
then find a glass and fill it with ice, lots will melt, as waiting for it to cool entirely is unlikely, and make it stronger if you are going to do it this way due to the ice diluting the tea.
(or you can have it hot... if you want to skip the entire point of having ice tea, see red cup to the left)
then add the tea and enjoy

now it is time for a glass of sweet ice tea

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