Friday, September 6, 2013


so I went looking for more calories here,
and acorns are just dropping
 there is lots of them
 and they come from big trees that are already here
I am allergic to oak, so likely not the food for me, (I could use chickens to convert them for me)
but the natives collected and ate lots of them,
most of them you have to leach out the tannins before you can eat it,
think pealed acorns in a loose weave basket in flowing water for a week...
the white oak you can just eat direct,
they would grind and mix with water, then cook it in waterproof baskets
but you can't put a basket over a fire, so they heated rocks and put them into the mix to heat the food
then fished out the rocks with a special hook thing and added more hot rocks,
pretty neat method,
the acorns get worms in them quite fast, so it is a seasonal item.

then there are the small animals
I suspect a gopher lives in this hole,
and there are possums and other small animals around here,
but that is about all I found other than insects

in winter you could take the green grass, juice it, and drink the juice, (you can't digest the grass direct as it will mess up your digestive system quite bad)
but way to dry here in summer to have much green that you are not watering

so unless I get chickens, I doubt I will have much free calories from nature.

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