Wednesday, September 25, 2013

missing updates

so I was not updating everyone for a while,
and here is what was going on in that time,
now that it is cooled off,
I planted spinach, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower
the second 2 are just a test to see how they do here in this soil and weather,
it is time to plant parsnips again, but I really need to grow clover and fix the nitrogen in the soil, so I am not going to have a big winter garden.
I repotted the apricot trees to pots big enough to leave them in for a year,

some of the squash is doing great and others are dying off now
it is less than ideal to plant things where they will get shade when the sun falls low in the sky in fall.

the sorghum is pollinating and some appears to be finished already

watering is taking less and less time now,
so it is time to start getting ready for winter and for next year,
remember it is way better if you set up the soil in the fall so that you don't have to in the spring when you have better things to be doing.

this tiny frog is so cute, I hope it is getting enough food

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