Monday, August 4, 2014

odd ground cherry

so I package seeds for spring in the middle of winter,
and I can tell what seeds are by what they by how they look,
so I did not label them
now I had forgot what I had set up to plant by the time spring got here,
so I was to some degree guessing what I was planting this spring,
now this brings me to the ground cherries,
they looked ok when they came up,
but it was taking them a long time to have fruit...
now that they have been growing long enough it is clear that they are not ground cherries at all,
the paper husk is all wrong, 
I was sad this spring that I had not planted Tomatillos, you need to start them early inside due to the long growing season required,
and I did not have the extra energy to plant them when they needed to be planted,

I clearly got the seeds confused that look almost the same,
so as it turns out it looks like I do have Tomatillos this year,
now it is just a mystery as to what kind,
I like sweet,
so my guess it is a purple sweet one and not a green non sweet kind,
either way, glad that I messed up,

and the ground cherries planted themselves in another pot like they usually do,
so I have them growing as well.

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