Wednesday, October 30, 2013

almost frost

so it frosted on the metal surfaces that had nothing under them
but not really anywhere else,
thermometer under shelter read 39 in the morning
so not that cold, but sure colder than it has been,
and here is what it did

the sorghum looks fine 
 some of the squash has brown edges on the leaves, it may die in the next few days even though it should be warming up
 the rice seems done with what ever it is going to do, just not sure what that is yet
 this rain gauge is not level, so add 15% or so ? for the last rain storm
 the pepper plant did fairly well
 the one remaining zucchini (out of 5) making seeds seems to have done just fine
 the tomatoes seemed to have dies back the most, with about 60% damage
 the beans seem happy

I forgot to take a cute picture today, sorry. (I will take 2 tomorrow)

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