Tuesday, January 28, 2014

cooking oil

so cooking oil is somewhat hard to grow for most people, 
there are a few ways to do it,
olives and walnuts work well, but they take years to start,
sunflowers are a good one, you want the tiny black ones, they don't have an absorbent husk to mess things up, and hulling the regular ones first is a pain and takes forever,
but I am allergic to sunflower oil...

anyway, I found a great solution
it is the hull less squash seeds !
they are super easy to press and get oil,
and what is left over is super good to eat, or give to chickens if you don't like it,

so that is my cooking oil solution,

here is one listing
but if you search for "naked seeded squash" you will find them all over
they are getting very popular, so many places are sold out or have very high prices,
but you can find them if you look around.

no matter what plant you pick to get oil,
you can press the oil out of your seeds, and that works well,
but you need a press...
not hard to make if you know how,
easiest way is to take a shop press and a stainless bowl, 2 copper end caps that fit in side each other,
drill holes in the larger cap, then you set everything in a line with the shaft of the press,  the bowl on the bottom, then the cap with holes in it, and then fill it with the seeds, then put the smaller cap on top, and use the press to squeeze the oil out into the bowl,
sorry I can't find a web link or post a picture of it

you can also crush up the seeds and boil them,
then scoop off the oil that floats,
does not get you much at once, but you need no special tools to do it

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