Saturday, January 4, 2014

what do you have

so the question is what do you have ?
the garden seeds that you might think about buying are likely already not legal in europe,
people get them there anyway,
but it makes me wonder when they will start cracking down on seed companies there,
then I see a news story like this one
I have seen them try to pass this kind of thing in the USA, but they failed, 
but the USA already did it in iraq,

it seems just a matter of time if you have the seeds you want,
or you don't
even if you are not going to grow them right now,
don't assume you can get them later, or that they will even be legal later,
and you can store them for the future, as I tell how in this old post
and remember that even if you are well studied, it can take a year to figure out your area and how to produce food well where you live, so never plant all the seeds you have at once.
and start practicing now if you have not already

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