Wednesday, December 25, 2013

christmas present

I got likely the best christmas present of all times,
anyone that knows me knows that I have had some health issues for as long as I can remember,
modern medicine has failed me entirely, I have gone to them so very many times and finally gave up,
I tried everything, one thing after the next for as long as I can remember,
and I fixed some major issues over the years, but nothing really fixed me totally,
a few things worked for a week or so, or masked problems, but that is about it...

but it seems that I finally figured it out,  my body seems to not make an amino acid (or not enough of it),
and it is one needed to deal with protein,
if I eat protein it makes ammonia in my blood, and it has been hurting me very badly, 
if I eat the amino acid and don't eat much protein, then I seem to be just fine,
I have tried it for almost a week now, and am weary that I have figured out what is wrong,
but all is going well, I can even exercise enough to cause pain in my joints (yes, lots of pain, today I have found out that walking on uneven ground with a cane is hard, so I will likely never be able to deal with big hills in my daily life, but that is not to hard to deal with, just don't exercise to much or move to flat ground),
so it really looks like I have finally figured it out (and have a fix!),
can't believe it took me so long to figure it out, I even recorded what I ate every day for 6 months trying to figure out if some food was hurting me...

but this is the best christmas present ever because I can finally sleep pain free,
even if it is not the real issue and only lasts for a week it has been the best thing ever (but it really seems like it is the real fix),
I am so very happy right now,
marry christmas all

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