Thursday, December 5, 2013

solid water

so the water was solid this morning,
it got down to 30F last night, and it made the water solid,
I am of the opinion that water should be a liquid or or maybe a vapor, but surely not a solid,
the sorghum dealt with it better than I thought it would,
and so did the flowers
but it will be colder tonight,
so I put wood chips over things I care about that are still outside, like my cute bunching onions
and my mountain yam that is now dormant
I put the wire over things so the cats will not sleep on things (or go to the bathroom in them) and hurt them

the potatoes that are still growing in pots, the turmeric, oca tubers, and many other things get put under a tarp at night, (I uncover in the day so they get light, to bad I don't have a clear tarp)
I likely don't need to be doing this,
but now I know they are all safe in this cold winter night
I hope you are all warm this winter as well.

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