Friday, December 6, 2013


so planning is an interesting thing,
ever read the story of bird buffalo woman ?
I will wait while you read it
ok, now that you have read it,
lots more of farming might make sense,
and in that story you find out that buying seeds every year is an old thing,
and most people just can't plan for the future,
soaking beans to cook is also to hard for most people (it can take 2 hours to cook them, my god the horror...), easier to just buy beans in a can already cooked from someone else,

if you are thinking about a survival garden,
remember that it takes practice before you can do it well enough to live.
so if it is your last resort, it is likely not to work out at all.
and it takes planning,
the kind of planning where you have to think about what you want to eat a year or more ahead

at the start of my garden I asked people around me what they wanted to eat,
and I got answers that were not very possible (mostly "I don't know")
and after all this time I finally get that many people will do the easiest thing no matter what the outcome.
survival gardens are only for people looking to own there future, 
and you will have to give up buying poison food at the store if you want it (by the way, there is lots of good food at the store).

at the start of this I really had no idea how reactive most people are with no hint at planning,
it is no wonder the people that think they are running the world are so arrogant.

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