Friday, July 19, 2013

annual crops

does setting up a survival garden and planting, and weeding and watering every day just seem like to much work ?
have health issues ?
maybe you are just to apathetic to bother...
don't worry,
there are other solutions out there,
are you up for eating walnut/apple bread, and not something made of wheat ?
but that leads us to the question, why don't most farmers grow, and why don't people eat foods that are not yearly work ?

it all goes back to medieval land allocations,
farm plots were given out at random each year,
people got the amount of land they were suppose to based on the taxes they payed and history of the family.
but the big deal is that people did not get the same plots from one year to the next,
so they ended up growing mostly annual crops, planting trees and perennial plants was just pointless

but there is no reason why you have to keep up the old tradition,

there are trees and bushes, and plants that you don't need to plant each year,
and some require very little work.
this tree has not had any one water or care for at all for the last 40 years
and it still makes fruit every year (not quite ripe yet)
this tree still needs watered, but past that does not need much work
and it makes quite a bit of food,

nuts store super easy, and you hardly need to care for the trees once they are established if you set it up correct

so if you are just not up to the task of planting every year,
then go plant some perennial plants
here are some good ones to start with
and these people have some trees and bushes to think about (but not trying to give them a great review, but they are not horrible either)

and here are the pies from the trees here

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