Saturday, July 20, 2013


quinoa is neat,
also called "Chenopodium quinoa"
it is a neat plant in that the seeds have there own poison (saponins),
so the birds and insects will not eat it,
but being human you can remove it before cooking !
it is also very drought tolerant, and to much water gets you less harvest.

I have seen white, red, and black,
the white is great to eat,
the red is ok,
I would only feed the black to chickens
but I know that others will not have the same taste

2 method types for removing the poison,
one is mechanical (removing the outside (like rubbing it through sand))
and there is a soaking method,
but you have to use cold water as warm water makes the seeds absorb the poison into the seed where it is way hard to get out, and you will likely need to rinse 4 to 10 times.
but the good thing about it is that the poison is bitter, and it will foam up when you cook it (so you can scoop it off, and you will know it is there) the foam should be less than 1/2 inch over the water when cooking.
and it attacks red blood cells, so one meal of it done the wrong way will not do any long term bad things, and is not that bad in the short term for just one mess up.

this has been the new popular food for a while now,
I use to buy a 25 pound bag of it for about $25, last time I got one it was $85...

and the price kept going up, last check it was $114 from that same place
so if I want it now, I will be growing it
to harvest, you wait till the seeds are dry and then put the entire seed head in a bag and cut it off or strip it, then process lots like the sorghum seeds.
be careful of getting the seeds wet because they sprout very fast, so keep them dry and don't water with a sprinkler near the end. 
and you just cook it like rice

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