Friday, July 26, 2013


sometimes you just can't get your garden into full sun,
and you will have a choice as to what shade you want,
here are some bits of data to help,

I have 2 cucumber plants, one on each side of my corn,
so one gets morning sun but not afternoon, it is doing very well...
and the other one gets afternoon sun but not morning, it is not doing near as well...
plants that don't like heat will deal better with afternoon shade than morning shade,

one of my current garden plots has a big tree near it,
and the top of the tree casts shade on the garden for about an hour in the middle of the day,
the squash seems not to care to much,
the radishes could not deal with it at all
the most but not all the onions freaked out quite a bit
the melons have never set fruit and the plant is tiny,
and I should not have bothered planting most of the corn at all, it's timing was very messed up for most of the kinds.
potatoes don't seem to care at all...

so if you have your choice of shade, but can't avoid it all together,
then don't pick mid day shade
and afternoon shade is the best of the bad options.

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