Tuesday, July 16, 2013

raised beds

raised beds are the new thing lately and are getting more popular every day
so why don't I use them ?
the plants do great in them
and the gophers can't get in if you do it correct (hardware cloth on the bottom, and metal flashing on the sides)

so they would seem perfect,
but they are pricey, and they don't scale well.
everything I am doing can be done on a much large scale. just because I don't have lots of room now does not mean that I will not ever, so I only do things that I can do on a much larger scale

the original reasons for raised beds are that they thaw out faster in the spring that the regular ground (if you are in an area with a harsh winter), and they have very good drainage (for if you live in a very rainy place)

I have neither of these issues, so make them kind of pointless

there are a few other reasons people have them, like rocks for dirt, so they just build new soil in them,
or trying to keep gophers out,
but mostly it is because it is the fashionable thing to be doing.

so if you do make raised beds, first ask if you have any of the issues they really fix

now for something totally different:
here is one of the things I now see every day, my mom made it

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