Tuesday, July 9, 2013

rooting vines

some vines will root other places than the initial seed location,
most squash will do this,
it is super handy if you can get them to do this,
here is what happens to a squash plant if the roots are eaten,
it dies.

now this plant had most of it's roots eaten, but had rooted at another spot in the bowl I had it in before the roots were eaten
it wilts more than the other squash in the middle of the day, but is still doing well.

this plant just had it's stem chewed off
you can see the stem just end on the right side of the picture,

the plant had just set a root down at this node point when it happened,
the plant might live, but lost most of it's leaves already,

next year I will be planting all the squash in rows 5 foot apart with 1 foot spacing (it seems to be doing better that way anyway)
and will make extra rows between the 5 foot row spacing for the plants to root in,
toss a bit of dirt over the nodes in the un planted rows when the plants grow that far, and they will set roots down,
this will make them much more resistant to getting killed by various small animals,
I am trying to do it now, but hard on a step hill to get the water to stick enough for them to send roots down,
or at least it is when I have not already done the dirt work.

now time to figure out what to do with all the cucumbers,
so many cucumbers...

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