Monday, August 12, 2013

local farming history

so I went to the historical society here,
and it was fun
I was looking for anything related to the local farming
and I did find some,
people raised cattle and hogs,
ate acorns seasonally, and they stored huge amounts of them (they don't usually store very long)
and one place planted fruit trees and a vineyard in town
they planted a few olive trees as well,
the only thing left is the olive trees, and they are very old,
they did appear to have only tried growing orchards and vineyards here after electric well pumps showed up (electricity was here early for the gold mines)

so I know that grapes do well here, my grandpa grew them here and they lived for about 10 years with no water or weeding, not as good as the olive trees, but still good enough if you are taking care of them.

but primarily this was a gold town,
the food was imported mostly
and the natives lived on native onions  (Brodea Flowers), and on acorns, and animals,
they dug for food lots (like the onions and cattails) and were called digger indians by the locals (no idea if that is what they called themselves)

so what I am doing here is kind of new...
but if you look in your area to see what people farmed before electricity and tractors, then you might make it way easier to get things up and running,
and what varieties they grew and the methods are critical as they are one less thing to have to figure out.

this cat is funny, it runs from everything

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