Thursday, August 8, 2013


peppers are neat
this is a plant from seeds that friends smuggled in from paru (it is 3 years old)
it is a very hot pepper, burns your hands if you touch the peppers with your hands,
I know, it is exciting

this is a bell pepper, it is sweet, and not hot at all
but they are all peppers,
some you can make them into serving dishes for things...
some you grind up and add tiny bits to flavor large amounts of food
either way they are fun

one thing about peppers is that they need a very long growing season
so you usually start them in dec.
they should be going in your window by xmas

but the other way to do it is to start them whenever you want,
and do it in a pot,
then keep them as house plants in the winter (they can't take frost)
I have had pepper plants 6 years old and still producing well (but usually 4 to 5 years is the limit),

so if you are growing lots of peppers, start them early inside,
but if you need only a few (like me) then keep them as house plants in the winter and you will have a very early start on things
and don't forget to harden them off each year when you move them outside.

this cat only looks lazy (while sleeping), it really is not...

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