Thursday, November 14, 2013

fixing the root cellar

so it is time to put away the harvest,
and I did have an almost total potato harvest failure, but I do have a few to replant next year,
and I need a root cellar to put them in for the winter,
so I opened it up today,
 let me light it up with a flashlight, if that helps
as you may or may not be able to see depending on your screen,
it is filled with dirt to the point that it would be hard to use,
some small ground animal is using it as a dirt storage facility,
I have no idea where it got all that dirt, but it sure came from somewhere,
and the annoying thing is that this is the second time it has done this.
I likely need a better solution than just shoveling it out,
but that is what I will do again, and if I can trap where it enters, then I will do it,
and until then, the setting sun needs watched

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