Sunday, November 10, 2013

hashed browned potatoes

hashed browned potatoes are great,
lets start with a potato plant, this one is a bit wilted from the frost a few days ago, but still doing ok,
this is a plant I put in regular dirt after the other potatoes failed in the wood chips.
 and it does have a big potato right near the surface, should not hurt the plant at all to harvest it
 ok, I made some eggs to go with the potatoes
and I ate it as I cooked the potatoes...
ok, take your potato and put it through a cheese grader into the oiled pan (yes, wash the dirt off the potato before you do that, but don't peal it, the outside makes it more crispy), I have been using grape seed oil lately, and yes, you have to use cast iron for this to run out well for this cooking method.
now is time to add chopped up onions if you are going to do it.
now put about 2oz of water with the potato and cover on low heat to steam the potato
 now lets go watch the cats play while we wait
 ok, now that the potato bits are soft enough for the spatula to go right through them, uncover and add more oil, mix in the oil and start frying them and turning until they get brown on each side
very good food can come from the garden, but growing is only half the battle, you have to cook it as well !

here is my computer set up on an actual table using enough space to use it without pain,
I still miss the built in keyboard the computer use to have,
but will borrow the space to get pictures on the blog as often as I can.

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